Saturday, December 22, 2007

Delivering the Iran Petitions

On December 19, 2007, we delivered the Iran petitions to the SEVEN local offices of our elected federal officials: 2 US Senators each for Missouri and Kansas, 2 US Representatives for Missouri, and 1 US Representative for Kansas. Our Peace Lamp traveled with us to each of these offices, and helped us feel connected to the two delegations to Iraq (May, 2002) and Iran (February, 2007) when the original Peace Lamps were presented there.

See more photos at: Peace Lamp photos with Petitions

Here is the wording of the Petitions:
Petition for Peace between the United States and Iran

Dear Representative Moore,

We want you to know that our congregation, Rainbow Mennonite Church, 1444 Southwest Boulevard, Kansas City, KS 66103, is praying for peaceful relations between the United States and Iran. We urge you to support a path of diplomacy between our countries with no preconditions. The only way that differences between our two nations can be truly resolved is through negotiation. Military strikes bring only anger, fear and retaliation, never reconciliation or understanding. We respectfully ask that you do all you can to ensure conflicts between our countries are resolved peacefully, without using any type of military action.


(Our names and addresses were listed here.)
We had "polite" receptions at each local office, and "warm" receptions at two of them. It was a very empowering experience for Muriel Stackley, Joel Goering and me. I hope that all who took the time to sign the petitions feel appreciated and inspired to keep up the good work.

I am forwarding a report of our congregation's involvement in this peace effort to our Peace Advocate, Susan Mark Landis. You may email her at: Please leave comments below.

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