Thursday, October 9, 2008

What's Wrong with Cute?

What's wrong with Cute is the same thing that is wrong with Profane.

I totally agree with Diane Stafford ("Let's not wink at careless gesture," Oct. 9). In watching the vice-presidential debate, I really didn't think much about Palin's wink and folksy manner of speech since I was favoring Biden, anyway, but Stafford was very thorough in pointing out the down-side of such behavior and speech patterns.

I like to think that I can look past the superficial aspects of one's appearance or speech or behavior and focus on the content of their character and ideas, but subconsciously I know that surface matters, that speech matters, that behavior matters. My gray ponytail and white Amish beard and frequent attendance at anti-war protests over the past 47 years may reinforce some people's stereotype of hippies and dismiss me. But at least I try to use thoughtful and serious language to express myself, to bathe regularly, and to dress appropriately for the occasion.

When the protestors at Kent State University in May, 1970, were vilified as sub-human and deserved to be shot by the Ohio National Guard, I was shocked. I laid the blame on the narrow-mindedness of the pro-war "adult" generation. But now that I am 65, I know that the grooming habits and drug use and profanity and "free love" of some of the protestors gave excuses to those who despised dissent anyway.

As we voters evaluate the candidates for President and Vice President, let us try to focus on the issues and the leadership strengths and weaknesses of the candidates, but may the candidates present themselves respectful of our natural tendency to see only the surface and show us the true depth of themselves.

Phil Rhoads

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